The Diary of Harry Medium

Thursday, May 04, 2006

You're acting like a pack of rabid DOGS!

This is becoming a depressingly average and repetitive blog...
Once again I played at last night's Jolly Brewer open mic night. I played Waiting For Answers and APOF's Venus In Cancer and was joined by the man Andy Neal on drum, and an unknown on sax (who is that masked man?) so at least it was slightly different to the many numbers of times I've played there before.

Apologies to any one of the two fans I may have made during my time playing music, but I just can't be arsed to organise gigs any more so I'm playing less and less. Expect me to do some good show at The Global Village Peace Gathering in the summer, though. And maybe the Brewerfest (potentially).

The soup song is now up at the brewer website, follow the link below.

New series of Lost - damn those 118 men.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is very, very good.

Manchild, I say goodbye now.


  • 'This is becoming a depressingly average and repetitive blog...' no shit. I'm not sure who you are but you must lead a dreadfully boring life if you occupy your time writing this crap. I feel for the people you attempt to entertain at your 'gigs'. They must be dull. If your talented may I suggest you for a band, you may even make some friends!

    I wish you all the best in your furure tedium...Eeorye!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 pm  

  • Hey, ignore the guy above! I'm entertained by this shit and I've never even seen you play, but at least you can spell. And anonymous posts? How weak.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:58 pm  

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