The Diary of Harry Medium

Friday, December 16, 2005

I've had my presence felt.

Hoorah for me for I have written and played a new song at The Brewer and also have an actual gig!

New song = 'The Bridge'. It goes down like a cross between The White Stripes, Mundy and Brian Eno (if such a thing can be imagined) and gets applause of appreciationess. It tells a happy tale of betrayal and retribution in the wild west... I'd love to be a cowboy!

As for the gig, get a load of this: I'm playing at an all night Christmas party, near Tattershall in a massive greenhouse. It sounds ace and has been partly organised by my friends Andy and Ruth to get people in the mood for next year's Global Village Peace Gathering - which I enjoyed v. much this year.

Everything's coming up roses, eh?


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