The Diary of Harry Medium

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let's recap.

It's been a while. I seem to have become the planet's busiest (laziest) man. I've had a birthday (it was nice, thanks for asking). I've done some decorating. I got a Nintendo DS Lite. Now I'm in the process of rehearsing for the Global Village Peace Gathering gig next friday - see here:

I'm planning a chunky greatest hits style set, to celebrate the recent slackness of me not getting gigs. Expect some bloody good songs (if I do say so myself) and for me to mix up the acoustic and electric Mothers Against, stuff from across the ages.


  • Yawn, yawn, yawn...are you still alive? So not much happening in your life then, still the same boring old drivel. A greatest hits set, wow, that sounds fun. Still on your own, no surprise there, form a band, you might make some friends.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:20 pm  

  • Dear Anonymous,
    thanks for your continued support. I'm glad I'm interesting enough for you to keep checking back...
    Call me!

    By Blogger Sir Harry Medium, at 7:55 pm  

  • MAG is such a lame name, Sir Harry. You could certainly get some press by playing in Nottingham under that monicker. You should chose a good name. like Heroes of Switzerland for example....all the best darling.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 pm  

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