The Diary of Harry Medium

Friday, March 18, 2005

Waste me

Happy St Patrick's Day for yesterday.

I got talked into celebrating without having any dinner. A mistake. At least it wasn't a technicoloured mistake.
I think that this week the winter caught up with me and I felt very down around wednesday. But then the sun came out and I noticed all the blossom on the trees and everything suddenly felt lots better. I think I have a stealth hangover waiting stage left though. And I nearly cut off my finger when making a sandwich this morning. It's a good finger, too. One that I use.

Instead of having a holiday, I've decided to throw a big birthday bash on my date of birth. The weekend of 24th - 26th June in a big field somewhere down south. I think Coldplay are coming to supply the music on my actual day (saturday 25th), and all my friends will be there. So that'll be nice.

I'm looking forward to this weekend...I was out last night so I don't feel the need to do the usual round of weekend drinking. Plus, I have Resident Evil 4 to play to death. I have no money at all so it's going to be cheap, and that's a good thing. It'll be relaxing: I get to play guitar and work on the film (which, somewhat unsurprisingly, has ground to a halt, everything-wise, while we read our various books on the subject - check out a comic called The Walking Dead for great zombieness).

Am I the only sci fi fan (geek) who just isn't bothered by the return of Doctor Who?

Thanks God it's friday.


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