The Diary of Harry Medium

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's still quiet...

and I'm still busy.
I was ecstatic last week when I recorded a new mix tape for my car. 2 hours of ELO, The Jicks, Leatherface, Editors, Billy Joel et al.

Then, about halfway through the first side, I realised the tape had sped up. Everything sounded like The Chipmunks. I had to get rid of The Futureheads version of Hounds of Love as it was ridiculous, but other than that I've got used to it.

Still recording, still half-arsedly looking for gigs. On the plus side I've actually starting working on the zombie film again. And a comic called "We Are Robot". Due to my intense laziness these will probably never see the light of day, but aim high, children of the night. Aim high.

I've been to see The Hitch Hikers Guide... at the flicks and thought it was fair to good. I went to see Editors and they were impressive. This week sees us "storming the tower"... as in, we're going to see episode 3. And after hating episodes 1 and 2, I'm surprisingly looking forward to it. Fancy dress is optional on a preview night, but the costumes aren't as easily replicated as the Arthur Dents we saw at the opening of Hitch Hikers.

Leatherface - Boat in the Smoke DVD: watch the genius of Leatherface live and realise that Frankie Stubbs is possibly one of the sweetest musicians alive.
Undead DVD: Australian zombie flick with amazing effects done on a home laptop (consider this homework).
The Arcade Fire - Funeral album: It has two of the best songs I've ever heard on it, and is a must for fans of off-kilter pop.
Clor - Love and Pain single: Best single of the year so far.
Stereolab - Oscillons from the Anti-sun album/DVD: French Disco is ace.
Napoleon Dynamite: Funniest film I've seen this year. Geeks unite!

Remember: keep your hair short, your clothes tight and you never have to reload a sword or a hammer.