The Diary of Harry Medium

Monday, November 20, 2006

Wowzers trousers!

It's already nearly X-mouse again!
Here's some things that have happened and some bullet points:
  • I have written lots of new little instrumentals but nothing that could be called a song.
  • I have been playing Lego Star Wars 2 a lot.
  • I have found a guilty pleasure in Lake Placid.
  • I have been enjoying having central heating for the first time in an (ice) age.
  • I got dressed up as a zombie for halloween (predictable, I know and next year I will try harder).
  • I watched Resident Evil Apocolypse again and found that it was shite. But I still enjoyed it.
  • I went to see The Prestige and it was very good indeed.
  • Garth Marenghi's Darkplace has finally been released on DVD and it's still ace.
  • I have had a little boy. As in a son, nothing odd.

So there you have it. Until the next time I can be arsed...

Don't be lunch.


  • I cant see you.

    Are you lost in the past?

    Come back to the future.

    To the land where facebook has practically killed blogs.

    You must've done something since nov 2006.
    In fact i know you have, i just want to see it in electronic writing. Come on, you must get at least 4 hits a year.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:29 pm  

  • hi its me again.

    its the year 2010 now. i know, now we're really in the future!!

    write something.

    you've still got a harry medium link on yr facebook that goes to nowhere.
    it makes me sad.

    that previous comment i made was about 2 years ago by the way.


    By Anonymous Andy Neal, at 1:44 am  

  • Dear Andy Neal from The Future.

    I have caught up with you now - let's party like it's 2099!

    By Blogger Sir Harry Medium, at 9:04 pm  

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