The Diary of Harry Medium

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It might not seem like it to you...

...but I am busy.

I've been writing new stuff (or trying to - my 'make each song better than the last' work ethic has meant following 'Day of the Triffids' up is quite difficult, cos I still think it's great).

I managed to bluff my way through new song 'Nine' at the Brewer last week, along with a great version of The Replacements' 'Unsatisfied'. For the first time at that venue I performed after the sandwiches had been served. That is some success in my book.

Recording of the debut CD has been going ahead too. In the interest of good value I've decided to put four songs on it - 'Waiting for Answers', 'Portable Sun', 'Day of the Triffids' and 'Superman is Dead!'. All of these are unfinished at present except 'Superman...' but they only need final vocals. It will, I'm sure, be free to all so that's the best value for money you can get. Expect it soon.

Never, never wake a man from a jazz trance. No sir.


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