The Diary of Harry Medium

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It'll take a long, long time

I have a gig on Friday night!
Come along to the Turk's Head, on Newport in Lincoln's posh uphill area where I'll be mangling Kate Bush and Replacements songs as well as debuting 'Day of the Triffids' at long last. Free entry and an 8pm kickoff.

If my guitar/pedals/voice remain in a semi-working order, that is.

In other news, I enjoyed the Global Village Peace Festival very much at the weekend and I'm looking forward to falling asleep in a tree again next year.


  • hello sir harry. i am intrigued by your dairy entries. i shall deffinitley be taking the time to see "mothers against guns" where ever and whenever they are next performing.

    k. x

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:47 am  

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