The Diary of Harry Medium

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blow me down

Good day, children of the night and your parents.

Last night I ventured from my cave to watch The Wedding Present in the tiny Bivouac in Lincoln. Long story short - I wasn't as impressed by them as I was by Cinerama (the only difference being their name). Maybe it was the choice of set, maybe it was that I wasn't as drunk. On the up side, I didn't scream in anyone's face or take a massively long route home to avoid the ever present "zombie threat".

The Pres' were supported by The Organ from Canada. I enjoyed their music muchly, and have today purchased their album using the power of this here "International Fishing Net of stuff and porn" thingy. I'm looking forward to hearing it. But why were they so miserable? So, very miserable. Maybe the soundguy upset them (I have heard tales of this).

In my own news, I am busy finishing off my tracks for CD and have been convinced to set up a MySpace space and whack some tracks onto it. So look out for that.

Cheer up, goth.