The Diary of Harry Medium

Thursday, February 02, 2006

News? News, you say?

I don't have any. I'm in a bad mood. I'm a little bit hungover from drinkey/no eatey... the silent killer.

Brewer last night saw me in the "headline" slot, last of the night. I was drunk and a little wobbly cos I'll be honest I've rarely picked up a guitar in the last month or so. "The Bridge" was followed by "Venus in Cancer" by Amusement Parks on Fire, then the crowd forced Bob the compere without compare to let me play "Waiting For Answers" so that was nice. Then I got outta there pretty sharpish.

Other than that I have no news, because I'm just underenthused at the minute. However, I got to spend some time with the magnificent Rockin' Bob Feltham, and he is ace. He even signed a poster for me.

Happy new year, indeed.