The Diary of Harry Medium

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

You only shine when you get lonely

That's easter out of the way. Zombies, eh?

Today I received the 80's BBC tv series of Day of the Triffids on DVD. It's not meant to be released til next monday, but that's the power of the internet for you. Let's hope this promising start to the week means something significant is about to happen.

Do you ever wonder if maybe you drink too much? I didn't until sunday night when Piers wandered into The Manor covered in blood and sporting a broken face (cue much laughter and then concern/peas on forehead). I dunno. He still can't remember what happened: cobbled together info suggests a piggyback gone dangerously wrong. Alcohol - the killer of Piers' brain (and face).

But that didn't stop us finishing Resi 4 yesterday. Or having a curry. Yum.

The other big news of the weekend (for me, anyway) was starting recording again. Proper hardcore, can do it anytime and possibly drive yourself mad style recording. My new cohort Andy came over and our first song began to take shape. Slowly, as I'd forgotten how to use everything. It's great and if I could work computers and that I'd post it somewhere when it's finished. Curse these bastard monkey hands!

I seem to remember hearing 'Dreadlock Holiday' by 10cc on sunday evening in some pub, and I think it may re-invigorate my love of that band. People look down on them for some reason, but they did a lot of good singles, if nothing else. Otherwise, I've been listening to Frank Black, Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks, The Dears, Nirvana, Tenacious D, The Stills, Incubus and The Futureheads... that's a lot of American stuff, isn't it? I'll redress the balance tonight by listening to Senseless Things and Mega City 4 and some other old transit van band rubbish.

And Graham Coxon's first album. And Talk Talk.

That'll be nice.


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