The Diary of Harry Medium

Monday, September 12, 2005

No title

I did a gig. I nearly decided not to do it. I nearly decided to go to Mexico. I didn't. I did a gig.

  • Superman Is Dead!
  • Portable Sun
  • Cloudbusting
  • We Know How...
  • Repeater (Slow)
  • Waiting For Answers
  • Day of the Triffids
  • How Turns The Tide
  • Answering Machine

It was good. I played very well, if I do say so myself. I could have hurt myself quite badly as the table I jumped onto had legs in the middle and my weight on the edge made it topple over. But - with skills mastered from playing Tony Hawks on my gamecube - I managed to surf that bad boy back upright and continue playing, albeit in a slightly shaken up manner. Thanks to everyone that came and was enthusiastic.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


at The Library Bar, this saturday with Starter and another band.

Kickoff is 8pm and entry is free as a bird.

Friday, September 02, 2005

And as if by magic...

I had no gigs booked.

Meadowfest has been unexpectedly cancelled. Ergo, Meadowfest warmup has been cancelled. No reasons are yet known, and lets be honest, reasons are pretty unimportant anyway. No gig=no gig.

Look out for one or two gigs in freshers' week (19-25 sept) and hopefully some stuff in Nottingham soon, through a renewed contact in that illustrious city.

Keep yur heads down.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I needs a holiday

I'm having a hard time at the moment.
I played at Waddington...on the back of a truck...while the setting sun burned out my retinas and I worried about the little children running around under the massive PA speakers...

Suffice to say I came offstage (herded off by A.N.Other band who annoyed the piss out of me by seemingly wanting to get as close to me as humanly possible without inserting anything as I was trying to pack up) and realised I'd hurt myself again - blood everywhere. I'm told it was up to my usual high standard, and I judge these things by how many people walk off while I'm playing - noone did so that counts as success in my book, but I had difficulty getting into it. I don't think it helped that I'd gone straight there from work and then got straight on stage - no chance of an atmosphere soaking pint beforehand. I can't remember the last time I did a show and was so sober. Also, I'd more or less eaten a whole Dominos Pizza during the day and felt as heavy as...something heavy. It added up to me not really enjoying it, and forgetting to play 'Day of the Triffids' to boot. Sorry.

On a plus note, we had a lovely, violent electrical storm last night. It reminded me of War of the Worlds (Spielberg version - I'm not a massive fan) and I got so scared I had to hide in the pub.

I feel tired all the time and my tan has faded.

To the future: Meadowfest and the warm up at the Brewer are fast approaching.

Accentuate the positive.