The Diary of Harry Medium

Friday, October 14, 2005

Can't you comb the hair out of your eyes?

If I had a time machine I'd invite more people to the very-last-minute-yet-highly-successful gig I did last night at Lincoln Uni SU's Delph Bar. I was asked to do it at about 4pm, confirmed at 6pm, turned up about an hour later. I got free beer and pizza and got to support decent bands (London's Headland and Pollen from somewhere else) in front of a decent audience.
Everyone at the Delph is very friendy and the audience were great too (it was the biggest audience I've had for a long time, and I was rehearsal free so lots of toilet trips happened). No major cock-ups, but I did hit a blank when trying to start the vocals on Answering Machine. That's live for you.
Thanks to everyone who was nice to me, especially the person who took the time to chat to me afterwards cos she cheered me up and reminded me why I play.


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