The Diary of Harry Medium

Friday, December 23, 2005

Have a very merry "X-mas"

Shane Ward wins X-factor shocker. It makes the Christmas Top of the Pops a complete mockery.

But anyway, have a happy Christmas, one and all. It's the last chance I'll get to say it.
Have a good one.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Ring out the old.

The Greenhouse was cold. So very cold, apart from a 3 foot diameter around each of the two woodburners situated near the drums and in the opposite corner of the large carpet and glass room. Sir Harry Medium had driven through the night (roughly 45 minutes) to get here and had narrowly avoided a barn owl in the initial throes of depression as it sat debating it's future in the middle of the dark and windy country road. He now sat on a comfy yet beaten up sofa with a can of weak lager drink, still attempting to reheat his toes. It was his toes he was worried about. Always his toes.

The time came for some music from the young Knight Andrew Neal. His sound was like all three original Star Wars films rolled into one, and he and his comrades made a feisty, funky noise. As young Sir Harry's time approached he chatted with the townsfolk and made merry with the festivities. Suddenly, the sky cleared above the glass and the moon came out and everything was magical. The gallant lad played 'The Bridge' for those assembled. They clapped and whooped, and were happy to have had their lives enriched in this way, happy the way they knew they always should have been. A sad moment came as 'Cloudbusting' by Lady of the Mist Kate Bush followed and was dedicated to people not present. Hitting his stride Sir Harry enquired of the crowd if it would be acceptable to their ears for another burst of merriment and they accepted his proposal as if it was christmas and they were all a bit drunk. So he played 'Waiting for Answers' and banished the demons from them with impressive rythym playing the likes of which would have made the Outlaw Pete Townshend blush.
Feeling exceptionally mellowed out by the surroundings (and now very hot and drowsy from standing next to the woodburner), Harry left them wanting more with a delicate version of 'Day of the Triffids'. He made merry again for 45 minutes while some people rubbed singing bowls into microphones.Then he defrosted his horse and went home.

No owls were killed.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I've had my presence felt.

Hoorah for me for I have written and played a new song at The Brewer and also have an actual gig!

New song = 'The Bridge'. It goes down like a cross between The White Stripes, Mundy and Brian Eno (if such a thing can be imagined) and gets applause of appreciationess. It tells a happy tale of betrayal and retribution in the wild west... I'd love to be a cowboy!

As for the gig, get a load of this: I'm playing at an all night Christmas party, near Tattershall in a massive greenhouse. It sounds ace and has been partly organised by my friends Andy and Ruth to get people in the mood for next year's Global Village Peace Gathering - which I enjoyed v. much this year.

Everything's coming up roses, eh?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I'm going to see The Mighty Boosh in March. Hoorah!

I'm fairly bored today, so am trying to get my brain active as well as sorting out a MySpace. I've also purchased Walter Schreifel of Rival Schools new band's album, Walking Concert's "Run to be Born". I'm looking forward to hearing it, although I believe it's "melodic" which may or may not appeal to me (I just love the coppery aftertaste of the Rivals' "United by Fate" and I'm listening to it a lot at the moment).

I saw The Fantastic Four film. I kept looking at my watch wondering when it was all gonna happen... The answer? At about an hour and twelve minutes in. A hollow experience. Let's hope the Jessica Alba can get her outer clothing off in the sequel to make this sinking ship of a film float again. I'm watching Shallow Ground tonight to make up for it.

I played at The Brewer again last wednesday. Cloudbusting, How Turns The Tide, Waiting For Answers. Yadda yadda yadda, I've said it all before.

New songs different and coming along nicely.

Tell a Darth Vader Christmas joke (you know, the one about feeling his presents) and have a minced pie!