The Diary of Harry Medium

Monday, October 31, 2005

This weekend:

I went to see Amusement Parks On Fire at The Rescue Rooms in Nottingham.
They were fucking* awesome.

I also became somewhat interested in the life of Howard Hughes...expect the two things to meet in some weird hybrid of feedback noise and obsessive compulsive disorder.

*apologies for the swear word: it's not something i normally put in print/lyric but in this instance was completely called for.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Some of our dinosaurs are missing:

Last night saw my triumphant return to the hallowed Jolly Brewer open mic night.

I got there late, wasn't able to put my name on the list as it was full and consequently got too drunk to care. Nerves abated, sandwiches eaten and too many beers quashed I was a happy (albeit slightly disappointed to not be playing) bunny. Then they asked me to play. 'Day of the Triffids' and 'Portable Sun' followed, with a snippet of the new UK pepsi chart (tm) no. 1 Arctic Monkey's 'I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor' cos I like it.

I'd moved up to second on the bill, and I thought I played very goodly (maybe that was the alcohol flowing through me) and there was people dancing, which was unexpected.

It was a fitting last Brewer Wednesday for the Right Honourable Butler.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Can't you comb the hair out of your eyes?

If I had a time machine I'd invite more people to the very-last-minute-yet-highly-successful gig I did last night at Lincoln Uni SU's Delph Bar. I was asked to do it at about 4pm, confirmed at 6pm, turned up about an hour later. I got free beer and pizza and got to support decent bands (London's Headland and Pollen from somewhere else) in front of a decent audience.
Everyone at the Delph is very friendy and the audience were great too (it was the biggest audience I've had for a long time, and I was rehearsal free so lots of toilet trips happened). No major cock-ups, but I did hit a blank when trying to start the vocals on Answering Machine. That's live for you.
Thanks to everyone who was nice to me, especially the person who took the time to chat to me afterwards cos she cheered me up and reminded me why I play.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It might not seem like it to you...

...but I am busy.

I've been writing new stuff (or trying to - my 'make each song better than the last' work ethic has meant following 'Day of the Triffids' up is quite difficult, cos I still think it's great).

I managed to bluff my way through new song 'Nine' at the Brewer last week, along with a great version of The Replacements' 'Unsatisfied'. For the first time at that venue I performed after the sandwiches had been served. That is some success in my book.

Recording of the debut CD has been going ahead too. In the interest of good value I've decided to put four songs on it - 'Waiting for Answers', 'Portable Sun', 'Day of the Triffids' and 'Superman is Dead!'. All of these are unfinished at present except 'Superman...' but they only need final vocals. It will, I'm sure, be free to all so that's the best value for money you can get. Expect it soon.

Never, never wake a man from a jazz trance. No sir.